Casi and Infographics customers to benefit from Lenel’s OnGuard open solution
Pittsford, N.Y. -- June 4, 2013 – Lenel Systems International, a market leader in access control security, announced flexible migration programs for users of legacy-Casi and Infographics systems to immediately migrate to Lenel’s flagship OnGuard® solution. Existing systems part of the migration program include Picture Perfect, Facility Commander Wnx, Diamond II, Sapphire, Topaz and Summit. Lenel is a part of UTC Climate, Controls & Security, a unit of United Technologies Corp.
"Lenel believes in offering ‘open’ systems to customers through hardware that is also supported by more than 20 access control software companies and through software that integrates with more than 100 third-party partners and more than 200 products," said Joe Kirmser, president and general manager, Lenel Systems. "We're excited to bring these benefits to Casi and Infographics customers through a hardware replacement option that can, in many cases, be deployed without using a screwdriver.”
Alternatively, a cost-effective option to re-flash the firmware to allow existing hardware to talk to OnGuard is also available for PXNplus and ACUXLplus customers. Because both hardware and firmware-based migration options can co-exist, many customers will deploy both. Each option allows customers to continue to use existing cards, readers, door interfaces, wiring infrastructure, and supervised F2F protocols.
Lenel recently announced simplification and consolidation of its product portfolio to continue to evolve world-class products via a single, feature-rich, open platform. This OnGuard platform and redefined focus is already delivering best-in-class innovation, with several successful migrations currently underway and new sites committing daily.
Lenel focuses on four key benefits that the company’s transition paths offer:
• A cost-effective switch – including free equivalent OnGuard software for customers with a current service agreement and hardware discounts
• A simple transition – via firmware and open hardware migration options and a single tech support contact
• Minimal risk – because only Lenel knows every inch of your current system and OnGuard platform
• Industry leadership – as the number one choice worldwide, with the most robust, experienced services team in the industry, including Professional Engineering Services, Embedded Services, Remote Managed Services and Custom Solutions.
Advantages of OnGuard include:
• Strong video integration – including Prism open IP VMS integration and support for more than 350 third-party cameras
• A feature-rich solution – including web-based applications and wireless lock support
• Open system and flexible integration – including the Open Access Alliance Program with more than 100 partners and more than 200 products
• Greater system security and compliance – including DIACAP certification and broad federal & vertical market regulatory compliance.
For more information about migrating from legacy Casi and Infographics systems to OnGuard, customers are encouraged to contact their Lenel RSM or visit