WASHINGTON, Feb. 22 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The following release was issued today by the Office of the Speaker of the House:
Congressman John Conyers (MI-14), Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, will deliver the Democratic Radio Address tomorrow. In his address, Chairman Conyers will discuss Democrats efforts to work in bipartisan manner to pass legislation that will ensure our nation's security while protecting civil liberties.
WHO: Chairman John Conyers (MI-14)
WHAT: Weekly Democratic Radio Address
WHEN: Saturday, February 23, 2008 - 11:06 a.m. (EST )
WHERE: Major radio networks, including AP, ABC, NPR, CBS Radio, CNN Radio, Fox News Radio, C-SPAN, Armed Forces Radio Network, American Urban Radio Network, Voice of America Radio Network, BBC Radio, CBC Radio, and Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Below are unembargoed excerpts for immediate release:
"You may have heard dire warnings about our national security from the President -- but let me assure you that FISA remains in effect today and allows for rapid court-approved wiretapping to collect foreign intelligence information, while protecting Americans' civil liberties.
"In fact, just to be absolutely clear, the expiration of the temporary August legislation does not endanger our national security. In addition, well-established emergency provisions of the current surveillance laws are more than adequate to address any emergent threats.
"We expect the House and the Senate will produce permanent legislation in the next few weeks. But as we continue to move forward, there should be no question in anyone's mind that the United State intelligence agencies have the legal ability to take all actions necessary to protect the security of the American people. For anyone to suggest otherwise is irresponsible and totally inaccurate."
SOURCE Office of the Speaker of the House