Honeywell International Inc.


About Honeywell International Inc.



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Products and Press Releases

Honeywell Logo

Honeywell releases Cyber Insights software solution

May 23, 2023
Cyber Insights integrates information from multiple OT data sources in order to provide a customer with actionable insights into their facility's cybersecurity vulnerabilities...
(Image courtesy Honeywell)
New iOS demo apps for LYNX Touch systems seamlessly translate between English, Spanish and French.

Honeywell introduces first multilingual iOS demonstration apps for LYNX Touch Systems

Feb. 5, 2015
Demo apps seamlessly translate between English, Spanish and French
(Image courtesy Honeywell)
Honeywell recently launched its HDZ Series PTZ cameras.
Video Surveillance

Honeywell's HDZ Series PTZ Cameras

Jan. 13, 2015
Ideal for any facility that requires detailed surveillance, HDZ family offers IP and analog cameras with high image quality and zoom capabilities
(Image courtesy Honeywell)
Honeywell Total Connect 2.0 now supports four languages.
Alarm Systems & Intrusion Detection

Honeywell announces multilingual support for remote services

Oct. 7, 2014
Honeywell Total Connect Remote Services 2.0 now available in four languages, helps dealers reach emerging markets and enhances user experience
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Alarm Systems & Intrusion Detection

Honeywell's IS3000 and DT8000 Series Motion Detectors

Aug. 18, 2014
Versatile PIR and DUAL TEC line delivers superior performance, saves time and money with installer-friendly features

Articles & News

(Graphic courtesy Memoori)
This graphic shows the value of deals completed from 2000 to 2015 in the physical security industry.
Video Surveillance

M&A activity in physical security starts an upward trend to 2020

Feb. 22, 2016
Research firm says industry consolidation will spark a new cycle of growth during the next few years
Chris Ciervo is a senior product marketing manager for sensor development at Honeywell HSPA. In nearly 20 years of work in high-tech industries, he has developed expertise in launching portfolio strategies for enterprise and consumer solutions in major markets around the world.
Alarm Systems & Intrusion Detection

RMR: Remember the Little Things

June 11, 2013
Will your customers stay or go? You decide.
(Photo courtesy Joel Griffin)
The connected homes concept is having a big influence on the development of alarm technology.
Alarm Systems & Intrusion Detection

Connected homes driving innovation in residential security

April 12, 2013
Alarm technology providers talk tech trends at ISC West 2013
Photo courtesy Karen Johnson, World Wide Security
Ken Mara, President & CEO, and Joseph Cestra, Technical Services Director, review Vanderbilt plans.
Alarm Systems & Intrusion Detection

Vertical Market Focus--Public Venues: An Installation of Historic Proportions

Oct. 19, 2012
On of the oldest mansions still standing on Long Island Sound, the Vanderbilt museum got a much needed security update thanks to World Wide Security

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All content from Honeywell International Inc.

(Photo courtesy Honeywell)
David Paja has been appointed as the new president of Honeywell Security Group, succeeding Ron Rothman who is retiring after spending more than 30 years with the company.
Video Surveillance

David Paja named president of Honeywell Security Group

Jan. 16, 2015
Ron Rothman retiring from Honeywell after more than 30 years
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Video Surveillance

Honeywell's iPCAM-WL IP Video Camera

July 10, 2014
iPCAM-WL lets home and business owners remotely view dimly lit interior spaces, ensures consistent, high-quality images
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Alarm Systems & Intrusion Detection

Honeywell's iGSMCFP4G Commercial Fire Communications Radio

July 8, 2014
iGSMCFP4G meets NFPA72 2013 and 2010 editions, increases RMR while decreasing customer costs
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Alarm Systems & Intrusion Detection

Honeywell's LYNX Touch 5200 Alarm Panel

June 10, 2014
All-in-one home and business control system enhances user experience, improves business efficiency
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Alarm Systems & Intrusion Detection

Honeywell's 5800C2W Convert to Wireless Module for Security Control Panels

March 25, 2014
Solution paves the way to expand connected home and business offering with easy upgrades to LYNX Touch
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Integrated Security Management Systems & PSIM

Honeywell WIN-PAK 4.0 Integrated Security System Software

March 11, 2014
Integrated security software offering expands entry-to-enterprise portfolio
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Access Control

Honeywell's Pro-Watch M-5 Conversion Drop-In Board Replacement

Feb. 25, 2014
Saves time and money with a drop-in replacement option that leverages investment in existing hardware and software
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Alarm System Mobile Apps

iOS App for Honeywell Total Connect 2.0

Feb. 12, 2014
New app provides powerful new configuration tools, simplified setup and enhanced video capabilities for iPad