Rack Space and Equipment Mounting Systems

The SecurityInfoWatch.com Rack Space and Equipment Mounting Systems product category is a collection of news, product listings and other resources for security installers researching Rack Space and Equipment Mounting Systems options.
Video Mount Products Frm For 5 G
Rack Space and Equipment Mounting Systems

VMP FRM-125 Roof Mounts

Ideal when mounting most 5G receivers and transmitting devices directly to the roof is not possible
Legrand Middle Atlantic Forward Collage
Rack Space and Equipment Mounting Systems

Forward Tool-free Racks from Middle Atlantic Products

designed around an innovative new rackrail and Middle Atlantic's patented universal hole pattern
Seismic Bracket Kit
Rack Space and Equipment Mounting Systems

Potter Electric Signal Company’s Seismic Bracket Kit

Kit will prevent battery disconnection in fire panels during seismic events
(Photo courtesy LifeSafety Power)
LifeSafety Power's new, deeper E4 and E8 enclosures are now ‘live’ across the product line, giving systems integrators and dealers more flexibility for their security and access control specifications.
Rack Space and Equipment Mounting Systems

LifeSafety Power redesigns enclosure line with more spacious interiors

July 16, 2019
Based on customer feedback and request, space added to power solution hardscape for additional wiring and job specification efficiency
Video Mount Products Erwen 12 E750
Rack Space and Equipment Mounting Systems

VMP's ERWEN-12E750 Wall Rack Enclosure

New deeper version of the Popular ERWEN-12E features 24 inches of usable depth
(Photo courtesy Middle Atlantic Products)
Building on the successful SR Series platform, the new Wider SR Series saves valuable square footage over traditional floor-standing racks in AV, security, and data applications.
Rack Space and Equipment Mounting Systems

Middle Atlantic Products' Wider SR Series Pivoting Wall Rack

New wider pivoting wall rack combines the capacity of a floor-standing enclosure in a compact footprint
Trevor Gardner of Middle Atlantic
Rack Space and Equipment Mounting Systems

Middle Atlantic strengthens sales management team

Patrick Cuddy and Trevor Gardner to lead Northeast regional sales efforts