RAD's autonomous security robots make their debut at ISC West 2025

March 27, 2025
It isn't about 'if' fully autonomous robots will eventually replace human security guards, according to RAD: it's 'when.'

The relatively recent explosion of artificial intelligence (AI)-based security technologies has taken the industry down multiple evolutionary paths. Features like AI video analytics and AI-powered real-time threat monitoring are no longer novel inclusions—they have become foundational.

It was a visible trend at last year's ISC East. AI has accelerated the pace at which cyber-physical systems integrate, heightened organizations' cybersecurity capabilities via real-time monitoring, and prompted numerous talks about return on investment (ROI) for security technologies. Implementing physical security tools with AI capabilities, however, is a less common approach.

Using AI to create autonomous robots that replace human workers is a recurring theme in science fiction, and one that companies today are trying to crack: Tesla's Optimus and the Atlas from Boston Dynamics come to mind. While impressive, there are, surprisingly, very few organizations developing autonomous robots for security purposes. Robotic Assistance Devices (RAD), a subsidiary of AITX, is one such company.

RAD seeks to utilize AI to autonomize security operations via robotics. Its mission in the coming years, according to AITX/RAD President and CEO Steve Reinharz, is to develop advanced, AI-powered security technologies designed to streamline operations and increase efficiency. RAD’s AI agents include autonomous law enforcement, guard patrol, and emergency response robots designed to supplement—or replace—existing security teams.

It isn't about 'if' fully autonomous robots will eventually replace human security guards, according to RAD: it's 'when.'

This is the vision the company is bringing to ISC West next week with the debut and demonstration of two of its newest security robots, poised to hit the market in 2026.

ROAMEO Gen 4: The Patrolling Guard Replacement

Announced in late February, the first bot in RAD’s lineup is the Gen 4 ROAMEO—or Rugged Observation Assistance Mobile Electronic Officer—an autonomous security patrol robot designed to assist (or, as the company aims, completely replace) traditional security guard patrols.

While ROAMEO can be operated remotely in the event of an incident or a patrol route adjustment, its selling point, according to Reinharz, is its ability to guard and surveil autonomously, unfettered by restraints like fatigue or human error.

“The industry is facing increasing demands for coverage, yet labor costs and workforce shortages remain persistent challenges,” Reinharz said. “As demand for security continues to rise, AI-driven solutions will redefine the future of patrol and surveillance.”

Alongside a pair of ‘customer engagement’ features—which include ‘Escort Me’ and ‘Find My Car’—ROAMEO integrates RAD’s remote video monitoring software, SARA, to complement its AI capabilities. This enables autonomous navigation and surveillance in addition to real-time threat detection via AI analytics and LiDAR technology.

“[ROAMEO] is central to RAD’s strategy to redefine security through intelligent automation,” Reinharz added.

ROAMEO Gen 4 will debut at ISC West this year, with production expected to ramp up this summer.

Holding out for a HERO

RAD's centerpiece offering this year is HERO—the Humanoid Enforcement and Response Officer.

The robot, which stands a couple of feet shorter than the average human, is meant to serve as both a security officer and emergency response system. HERO is powered by the same SARA technology as the rest of RAD's suite of hardware, granting it the ability to act autonomously.

Reinharz expounds that the bot's capabilities—which include real-time threat response, deterrence via verbal warnings, incident escalation or deescalation protocols, and even access control duties—are meant to complement its design philosophy: to "address the human preference of engaging humanoid-type form factors."

HERO is "engineered to interact naturally with individuals." This means that, while conducting its duties, the robot can "choose" its approach, similarly to a human enforcement officer. For example, HERO can shift into approachable or intimidating response modes to deter threat actors or encourage alternative actions.

According to RAD's design philosophy, HERO's conversational abilities, paired with its humanoid appearance, should prove a more effective deterrent for crime. Humans are more likely to comply with instructions given by something that looks (relatively) like them, compared to a robot dog or video intercom, for example.

Its larger size also allows for physical intervention. Because the robot isn't a fixture like a camera, its AI capabilities allow it to react dynamically to its environment and physically engage threat actors. Apart from the deterrence factor of having an intimidating, material obstacle to face off against, HERO is also capable of performing entry control duties by taking advantage of its larger size to physically block access to sensitive areas.

Much like ROAMEO, however, Reinharz emphasizes HERO's customer engagement strengths. The bot can perform credential verification processes, provide instructions and guidance to guests, and serve as a communication vector for a remote operator.

HERO's formal introduction will be at ISC West this year, where additional capabilities will be announced and demonstrated. Because the bulk of HERO's software is present in RAD's other offerings, the company expects a swift market deployment.

An AI-Fueled Future

While RAD expects both HERO and ROAMEO to be significant revenue contributors in 2026, the company has more upgrades in store for these bots.

Each robot is equipped with RAD's software and hardware suite—HERO's comes in the form of a little electronic vest and a backpack—to facilitate easier setup and deployment. This enables intercompatibility between all RAD devices and allows for familiarization with the company's product ecosystem.

One such upgrade is separately developing these portable, autonomous packs to allow for the cost-efficient development of new hardware.

"We are just getting started," concluded Reinharz. “From day one, we set out to develop technologies that would transform the way organizations approach security and operational management. Our mission is clear: to continue developing the most advanced, AI-powered security technologies that help businesses operate more efficiently and securely while making the world a safer place."

Reinharz, along with RAD's Chief Security Officer, Troy McCanna, is also hosting an educational session at ISC West this year to discuss the merits of autonomous security robots. Interested attendees can explore proactive uses for autonomous AI in the presentation "From Reactive to Proactive: The Future of Security through AI and Robotics." 

Visit RAD in Las Vegas this year at Booth #21131.

About the Author

Samantha Schober | Associate Editor

Samantha Schober is associate editor of SecurityInfoWatch.com.