Mississauga, ON L5N 3L8


About VCR Inc


1289 Mateson Blvd E
Mississauga, ON L5N 3L8
(905) 238-6884

More Info on VCR Inc

Manufactures CCTV products. Manufactures PC cards for the security industry, from 4-16 inputs. Distributes through major outlets and OEM and custom projects.

Products and Press Releases

Our newly released 1M WDR series of Megapixel Wide Dynamic Range cameras featuring an extra sensitive IR thermal sensor that allows the camera to detect human activities in real time.
Video Surveillance

VCR Inc. 1M WDR Series

Sept. 17, 2013
Newly released 1M WDR series of Megapixel Wide Dynamic Range cameras featuring an extra sensitive IR thermal sensor
(courtesy VCR)
VCR releases 1M_WDR series
Video Surveillance

VCR's 1M_WDR series

June 28, 2012
Camera series considered one of world's smallest WDR megapixel camera
Vn3mseriesmegapixelipcameras 10216742
IP Network Surveillance Cameras

VN3M series Megapixel IP cameras

Dec. 1, 2009
VCR Inc.'s VN3M series of Megapixel IP cameras also double as true standalone megapixel recorders, which can be fitted with up to a 750GB hard drive using a single Cat5 cable....

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