Miscellaneous Biometric Solutions

The SecurityInfoWatch.com Miscellaneous Biometric Solutions product category is a collection of news, product listings and other resources for security professionals researching biometric access and identity verification solutions that leverage identifiers beyond the typical modalities.
(Image courtesy bigstockphoto.com)
Biometrics and facial recognition technology, in particular, has drawn the ire of privacy advocates and lawmakers alike in recent months. In May, San Francisco became the first city in the nation to ban the use of facial recognition systems by government agencies and just last week, city council members in Somerville, Mass., also passed an ordinance prohibiting the use of the technology in their city.

The war on biometrics

July 1, 2019
Use of facial recognition and other biometric technologies draws the ire of privacy advocates, lawmakers
IMID Access 4.0, commercially available this month, uses a fusion of biometrics-based technologies for a robust list of identification-oriented applications, including access control, employee time-and-attendance and retail consumer experience.

IMID Access 4.0

March 30, 2017
IMID Access 4.0, a new generation of biometric visual identification solutions
VerifyMe’s Version 2.0 platform replaces traditional password/PIN logins and outdated 2-factor authentication systems with fast and strong authentication of several attributes including geo-location, biometrics, knowledge factors and possession factors. VerifyMe’s API’s provide enterprise application developers with the resources and support needed for seamless integration of VerifyMe’s multi-factor authentication product.

VerifyMe initiates the release of version 2.0 with Developer Portal launch

Feb. 3, 2016
New Platform offers seamless integration of multi-factor authentication API’s for web, Cloud and mobile applications
Biometric Signature ID has introduced BioSig-ID™ a new form of online security software that can authentic a user logging into a network with 99.97% accuracy. Instead of using a password or PIN, which can easily be compromised, BioSig-ID™ uses biometrics, which is defined as something physically or behaviorally unique to an individual.

Biometric Signature ID's BioSig-ID

Biosignature ID Verification: Positively ID online users by identifying behavior and gestures that are unique to each individual
IMID Mobile is a smartphone application that delivers FST's award-winning IMID technology to personal devices, while IMID Rapid provides an end-to-end, ruggedized and portable solution to quickly secure access to contained areas, such as crime scenes and senior government official press conferences.

FST Biometrics's IMID Mobile and IMID Rapid

March 31, 2015
IMID mobile and IMID Rapid provide valuable in-motion identification
The ability to provide evidence of all the events surrounding the authentication activity not only provides a powerful tool to combat fraud, but also ensures compliance with evolving regulations that portend to mandate stricter standards of identity authorization.
Access Control

Taking the Next Step to Secure Online Activity

Sept. 25, 2014
Biosignature ID Verification: Positively ID online users by identifying behavior and gestures that are unique to each individual
(Image courtesy bigstockphoto.com)
The FBI's new Biometrics Technology Center in West Virginia will be a place for research, development and testing of biometric technology.
Access Control

Biometric authentication moves beyond science fiction

Aug. 27, 2014
Examining the strengths and weaknesses of current methods, technologies
(Image courtesy Solink)
Solink's contextual analytics solution enables users to combine video data with other enterprise information to provide real-time, actionable intelligence.

The changing landscape of video analytics

March 28, 2014
Ability to cull big data for actionable security intel becoming a reality
BioManager middleware creates a single data view of Symmetry card holder and biometric enrollments for fingerprint, finger-vein and 3D face. Identity One’s biometric solutions are independently ranked #1 by NIST (National Institute of Standards Technology) for accuracy and reliability. They are simple to install and include a variety of models to accommodate different installation environments. Existing Symmetry systems can be easily retrofitted with biometrics for an immediate increase in security.

Identity One Certifies BioManager with AMAG Technology under Symmetry Extended Business Solutions Program

Oct. 22, 2013
The Symmetry and BioManager integration provides many benefits for end users
Invixium’s new IXM SENSE access control reader
Access Control

Invixium’s new IXM SENSE access control reader

Sept. 20, 2013
Delivers 1 to 10,000 matches per second
Lockheed Martin, the FBI’s NGI integrator, incorporated Morpho’s latest algorithms to process and match latent finger and palm prints, including, for the first time ever, all the friction ridge areas of the hand. New MorphoTrak-supplied expert latent workstation software was enhanced and customized based on collaboration with Lockheed Martin and the FBI as part of this third and largest phase of the NGI implementation.

MorphoTrak to supply FBI NGI biometric technology to help transform crime-solving

July 9, 2013
FBI’s Next Generation Identification (NGI) system improvements that became operational in May include a threefold increase in latent fingerprint search accuracy
Cogent 10977106
Fingerprint Recognition Solutions

Multi-Biometric Enrollment Station (CBES)

June 25, 2013
CBES is a multi-biometric enrollment station designed to facilitate the application enrollment process. With its built-in environmental light control mechanism and fully motorized...
FST21 is pleased to welcome Mark Ingram as Director of U.S. Sales.
Access Control

FST21 tabs industry veteran Mark Ingram to head US sales

May 13, 2013
Ingram had previously held several senior sales positions at ADI
The MiY-Touch indoor biometric touch-screen access control reader is compact, fast, and one of the lightest readers in its class. Designed with an intuitive interface and visual user feedback,

3M Cogent awarded top honors by SIA at ISC West

April 15, 2013
MiY-Touch reader receives Judge’s Choice Award
“It is extremely important that we in Congress continue to support the growth of cutting edge U.S. companies like Cross Match,” said U.S. Congressman Patrick E. Murphy.

Rep. Patrick Murphy visits Cross Match Technologies

April 2, 2013
The visit comes as part of Rep. Murphy’s ongoing effort to “bring Congress to your company”