NAPCO Super Dual StarLink Fire Max2 Supervised Dual Sim/Dual Path Communicator

Aug. 14, 2024
GSX 2024 Booth #2600

Napco’s Super Dual from StarLink Fire MAX2 offers time-saving features that makes dual path, traditionally the gold standard, applicable to all fire alarms & especially cost-effective when migrating from POTs landlines. Simplifying deployment-time, reducing labor, and streamlining inspection processes, StarLink makes standardization easier; Super Dual’s exclusive supervised dual-cell-only circuitry and elimination of IT /Ethernet connections enhances reliability and cybersecurity.

Super Dual also visually indicates the carrier in use, and maintains compliance with UL 864 fire safety regulations. For security directors, this represents not only OPEX savings, but a universal, critical upgrade enabling fastest response in fire alarm emergencies. Visit NAPCO Booth 2600 or

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