Alarm Signal Communications Equipment

The Alarm Signal Communications Equipment product category is a collection of news, product listings and other resources for security professionals researching Alarm Signal Communications Equipment options.
Alarm Signal Communications Equipment

DMP’s PowerCom Fire Communicator

Meets UL, CSFM, NFPA, FCC and FDNY compliance standards.
Solar Subscriber Opened 2
Alarm Signal Communications Equipment

AES 3100S-PKG Solar Powered Subscriber

Aug. 4, 2023
Can be used as a repeater to strengthen an existing network where electrical power is unavailable
Paul F. Benne is a 35-year veteran in the protective services industry. He is President of Sentinel Consulting LLC, a security consulting and design firm in based in New York City. Connect with him at or visit
Alarm Signal Communications Equipment

Tech Trends: The Rise of VoIP

July 11, 2023
The many benefits of IP-based communications systems makes moving away from POTS a no-brainer
© ThomasShanahan/1266686230/Getty Images
Still a widely used technology in commercial fire and alarm systems, copper-based telephone lines are poised to rise in costs dramatically, creating a new opportunity for integrators.
Alarm Signal Communications Equipment

POTS: Not Dead Yet

June 7, 2023
Still a widely used technology in commercial fire and alarm systems, copper-based telephone lines are poised to rise in costs dramatically, creating a new opportunity for integrators...